Wyniki wyszukiwania: hymn k1 cocorp


Wykonawcy (34)

hymn k1 cocorp

Teksty piosenek (934)

hymn k1 cocorp

  • Hymn - Hymn USA
    "Oh say can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were"
  • Hymn - Ke$ha (Kesha)
    "Even the stars and the moon don’t shine quite light like we do dreamers searching for the truth go on read about us in the news pretty reckless pretty wild talking shit and we’ll just smile don’t you"
  • Hymn - Big Head Todd And The Monsters
    "The city is spread Reach to the heavens This cloud cover breathing soft and rain Yes I'm good looking Yes I have money Don't it count for nothing over there. The snow falls dirty We watch our blue t.v. Educated"
    "mamy swój własny hymn kiedy nie nawet bali się zacząć mamy swój własny styl kiedy inni nawet nie wiedza za co możemy żyć możemy żyć możemy szyć za to nie płacąc możemy być wszędzie ale płacą za to pracą ty"
  • Hymn - Taylor Dayne
    "One true love All the soul can know One true heart Yearning to belong Wild is like the wind Blowing me around Chasing all my fears Keeping my trust down Now I see you here And my love has come alive Turn"
  • Hymn - Andy Stochansky
    "Fly down back by to my arms And sing your songs about the stars And when you're done, just be a bird There's nothing else, just be a bird And rest your song against the night And close your eyes, put out"
  • Hymn - Barclay James Harvest, The
    "Barclay James Harvest, The Gone To Earth Hymn Valley's deep and the mountain's so high If you want to see god you've got to move on the other side You stand up there with your head in the clouds Don't"
  • Narodowy Hymn - Hymn Polski
    "Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła, Póki my żyjemy. Co nam obca przemoc wzięła, Szablą odbierzemy Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski, Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski, Za twoim przewodem Złączym się z narodem. Przejdziem Wisłę,"
  • Hymn narodowy - Hymn Włoch
    "Fratelli d'Italia, l'Italia s' desta, dell'elmo di Scipio s' cinta la testa. Dov' la vittoria? Le porga la chioma, che schiava di Roma Iddio la cre. Stringiamoci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte. Siam"
  • Hymn Ukrainy - Hymn Ukrainy
    "Ще не вмерла Українa ні слава, ні воля, Ще нам, браття українці, усміхнеться доля Згинуть наші воріженьки, як роса на сонці Запануєм і ми, браття, у своїй сторонці Душу, тіло ми положим за нашу свободу, І"
  • Hymn - Kaczmarski, Gintrowski & Lapinski
    "Kto w twierdzy wyrósł po co mu ogrody Kto krew ma w oczach nie zniesie błękitu Sytość zabije nawykłych do głodu Myśl upodlona nie dźwignie zaszczytów Kto się ukrywał szczuty i tropiony Nigdy nie będzie"
  • Hymn - Duncan Sheik
    "All the storms and oceans All the sheltering sky All this earth and she and I Wait until it happens Wait, the moment will come Wait, but all those are already one And she asks me How many sunrises Will"
  • Hymn - Brooke Fraser
    "If to distant lands I scatter If I sail to farthest seas Would you find and firm and gather 'til I only dwell in Thee? If I flee from greenest pastures, would you look for me? Forfeit glory to come after 'Til"
  • Hymn - Jars Of Clay
    "Oh refuge of my hardened heart Oh fast pursuing lover come As angels dance 'round Your throne My life by captured fare You own Not silhouette of trodden faith Nor death shall not my steps be guide I'll"
  • Hymn - Barclay James Harvest
    "Valley's deep and the mountain's so high If you want to see God you've got to move on the other side You stand up there with your head in the clouds Don't try to fly you know you might not come down Don't"
  • Hymn - Gregorian
    "Valley's deep and the mountains so high, if you want to see God you've got to move to the other side. You stand up there with your head in the clouds, don't try to fly you know you might not come down."
  • Hymn - James Taylor
    "I got holy children to show me the light, singing hallelujah, brother how about you? Yeah, we got holy scriptures here that prove us to be right, in believing out loud what we wish to be true. I got stoned"
  • Hymn - Tina Cousins
    "Give us This day All that you showed me - The power and the glory 'Till my kingdom comes. Give us This day All that you showed me - The power and the glory 'Till my kingdom comes. And they say That"
  • Hymn - Age Pee
    "Give us this day all that you showed me The power and the glory, till the kingdom comes Give us this day all that you showed me The power and the glory, till the kingdom comes Give me all the stories you"
  • Hymn - Abysmal
    "Oh Darkness, I will give the throne onto him Of Darkness, I am harvesting the growth of my first spring Of Darkness, Through me you gave him the life Of Darkness, One world shadowed in me Throught you"

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